on paper

napeague is a wind-swept spit of dunes land out on long island past the flat potato fields of amagansett and the endless white sand beaches of the hamptons rolling out to montauk. swooping terns. towering dunes. salty water inlets. razor grass tracing perfect circles in the sand. foggy, milky skies. a restless wind. all are 22” x 30” and created in 2016.

luminous geometry

these were among my first efforts upon returning to the studio. by working with painted scraps of paper, i am able to consider many options. as i repaint the scraps, reposition them and resize them, i am able to quickly explore a variety of compositional possibilities. it is a method i continue to practice today.

doors to nowhere special

these are small, painted collages. they are no more than 12" wide or tall. the process begins with painting large sheets of paper which, over time and with much repainting, get cut down into increasingly smaller elements. sometimes the element for a larger painting becomes the painting itself.

trapellelograms and parallelozoids

i decided to tilt a few things and play with the illusion of space created by the principles of classical perspective.


“inside” is about doors, portals, windows, gateways – some closed, some open. all are painted paper collages. possibly inspired by, perhaps driven by the COVID-19 lockdown. they are all 15” x 30” and created in 2020.